Mark Goodall
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
Mark heads UNIFY Solutions. With over 40 years management experience in both large and medium-sized organisations across a wide range of market situations and business environments, his areas of expertise include strategic enterprise positioning, general & IT management, and business re-engineering.
Peter Tiernan
Director & Chief Customer Success Officer
Peter is UNIFY Solutions' Chief Customer Success Officer. With over 35 years of management, solutions development, and architecting experience, Peter is recognised as one of Australia’s leading evangelists for Identity, Access, Security and Governance.
Lauren Thurston
Head of Managed Security Services
Lauren is the Head of Managed Security Services at UNIFY Solutions, where she leverages over 10 years of experience in delivery, service, and people management to enhance security operations.
Shane Day
Chief Technology Officer
Shane is a leading cybersecurity strategist and mentor for agile development practitioners. He manages UNIFY’s global technology relationships and guides UNIFY’s product development. He comes with over 25 years experience developing enterprise software solutions.
Greg Jones
Head of Professional Services
Greg Jones serves as the Head of Professional Services at UNIFY Solutions. With over 20 years of experience, Greg brings extensive expertise in delivering and supporting IT services across various industry sectors.
Kevin Wise
Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Wise is the Chief Financial Officer at UNIFY Solutions, responsible for all corporate services functions. With over two decades of experience in financial management, Kevin is distinguished by his strategic vision, problem-solving prowess, and his ability to drive financial and business performance.
Peter George
Peter George serves as a Director on the board of UNIFY Solutions, bringing over four decades of experience in senior financial roles within both public and private sectors across various industries.