Executive Summary

To thrive in today’s rapidly evolving business environment, organisations must navigate the complexities of digital transformation with strategic acumen and innovative solutions. UNIFY Solutions (UNIFY) stands at the front of this transformation, offering bespoke solutions that extend beyond traditional identity management consulting to provide substantial operational advantages and strategic growth opportunities. As your partner, UNIFY doesn’t just adapt to changes—we anticipate and shape them, ensuring your investments not only meet current technological demands but set you ahead of future trends. Our commitment to your success is reflected in our strategic offerings for FY25, designed to optimise your operations, reduce costs, and enhance security—all tailored to help you do more with less in a resource-constrained world.

The current business landscape presents a dual challenge - operating within tight budgetary constraints while driving significant advancements in technology integration. As you strive to capitalise on the digital economy, the need for strategic partners who can provide more than standard consulting becomes apparent. UNIFY emerges as such a partner, bringing deep expertise and innovative solutions that enable businesses to streamline operations and leverage innovative technology effectively.

UNIFY’s Focus on Value in FY25

UNIFY is committed to leading the charge in delivering transformative solutions that align precisely with the pressing needs of our clients. Our approach is centred on creating value that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of businesses striving to optimise their operations within tight budgetary frameworks.

Strategic Innovation and Agile Delivery

  • Cloud Integration Without Disruption: We specialise in transitioning your critical systems to the Cloud, ensuring that your essential on-premises assets remain undisturbed and fully functional. This strategy enables you to enjoy the benefits of Cloud agility and scalability without risking the integrity of existing systems. We have developed tools to facilitate this.
  • Automation for Enhanced Efficiency: At UNIFY, we believe in automating wherever possible to streamline services, enhance accuracy, and speed up delivery. Our solutions are designed to improve operational efficiency without compromising the quality of customer service or end-user satisfaction. We have developed tools to enable this.
  • Agile Delivery Models: We advocate for Agile delivery approaches that prioritise efficiency and effectiveness. By eliminating waste and focusing on value-added activities, we help you achieve more with less, ensuring that every investment translates into tangible benefits.

Access to World-Class Strategic Advice

  • Innovative Constructs for Strategic Guidance: Recognising that not all organisations can afford to maintain in-house expertise across multiple disciplines, we offer innovative models for delivering strategic advice. Whether through our Virtual Innovation Teams or tailored advisory services, we bring world-class expertise to your doorstep, enabling you to make informed decisions and stay ahead of industry curves. You will continue to need to know how to align with ISO27001:2022, rationalise vendor licenses, realise biometric and digital identity potential, and reduce technical debt.

This focus on strategic innovation and value creation is what sets UNIFY apart as a leader in the identity management industry. By continuously adapting our approaches to anticipate the needs of our clients, we ensure that our solutions not only solve immediate problems but also provide a foundation for future growth and success.

Strategic Offerings for FY25

UNIFY is strategically positioned to guide enterprises through the evolving digital landscape with our focus on three key innovation areas for FY25: Cloud Integration without Disruption, Tools for Operational Efficiency, and Agile Delivery Models. Each area is designed to address the critical needs of modern businesses—enhancing agility, precision, and scalability. Dive deeper into our strategic offerings throughout this document to understand how these innovations can transform your operations or contact us directly to explore tailored solutions.

  • Seamless Technology Transitions: Recognising the urgency of modernising identity management systems, our seamless transition from Microsoft MIM (or any other on-premises platform) to Microsoft Entra using UNIFYConnect offers a strategic pathway that enhances functionality without disrupting existing operations.
  • Automated User Provisioning with UNIFYConnect: Introducing automation in user provisioning to reduce manual efforts significantly and to meet audit requirements, ensuring that resources are directed towards strategic initiatives rather than routine tasks.
  • Innovative Delegated Administration Solutions with UNIFYElevate: This SaaS-based solution revolutionises how third-party access is managed, providing secure, controlled, and efficient handling of external user roles crucial for maintaining high-security standards in a collaborative digital ecosystem.

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organisations face a pressing need to modernise their identity management systems to support dynamic business requirements and enhance security frameworks. Microsoft’s announcement to end support for Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) at end 2028 serves as a critical catalyst for this transition, urging organisations to adopt more advanced, secure, and integrated solutions such as Microsoft Entra.

The Strategic Imperative for a Seamless Transition

The transition from MIM to Microsoft Entra is not merely a technical upgrade; it is a strategic realignment of identity management to harness enhanced security, better integration capabilities, and greater operational agility. UNIFY Solutions spearheads this transformation with UNIFYConnect where necessary, a tool designed to facilitate a seamless migration that honours the complexity of existing systems while steering towards a Cloud-centric future.

Phased Migration: A Calculated Approach to Innovation

Recognising the varied complexities of our clients’ environments, UNIFY advocates for a phased approach to migration. This methodology allows organisations to manage change effectively, minimising disruption while aligning with broader IT and business strategies. The phased approach ensures that each stage of migration is carefully planned and executed, confirming that all technical and business parameters are met before moving to the next phase. This careful stewardship is crucial in maintaining operational continuity and achieving a holistic upgrade without sacrificing performance.

Leveraging Cloud Capabilities without Compromise

The move to Microsoft Entra via UNIFYConnect underscores a commitment to leveraging Cloud capabilities, which brings scalability and enhanced security. However, UNIFY ensures that this transition does not compromise the integrity of critical on-premises assets. By enabling a hybrid solution, UNIFYConnect allows organisations to retain essential on-premises applications during the transition period (and beyond if necessary), ensuring that the digital transformation aligns seamlessly with existing business operations.

Why Transition with UNIFY? Expertise and Strategic Foresight

Transitioning with UNIFY means engaging with a partner that possesses deep expertise in both Microsoft technologies and complex system integrations. Our strategic foresight in planning transitions to Entra is supported by a detailed understanding of the landscape and a clear vision of future technology trends. This enables us to provide a migration path that is not only smooth but also strategically advantageous, enhancing your security posture, compliance capabilities, and ensuring your infrastructure is robust enough to meet future challenges.

As you navigate this crucial transition, UNIFY stands ready to deliver a strategic pathway that not only addresses the immediate needs of replacing MIM but also positions your systems for sustainable growth and innovation in a Cloud-dominated environment. Our commitment to your success is unwavering, with a focus on crafting solutions that ensure you are well-prepared to meet both today’s needs and tomorrow’s opportunities.

Embracing Microsoft Entra: A Strategic Shift from Competitor Platforms

As organisations look to future-proof their digital landscapes, the shift from traditional on-premises identity management solutions such as ForgeRock, SailPoint, and One Identity to Microsoft Entra represents not just a technological upgrade but a strategic evolution. This transition, guided by UNIFY Solutions, leverages Microsoft Entra’s advanced integration, security, and compliance capabilities to offer a superior integrated Cloud-first identity management solution.

Strategic Imperatives for Transitioning to Entra

The digital identity landscape is marked by rapid technological advancements and evolving business needs. Microsoft Entra stands out with its comprehensive, unified approach to identity management, designed to meet the challenges of modern enterprise environments. Transitioning to Entra from competitor platforms enables organisations to:

  • Enhance their Security Posture: Microsoft Entra provides state-of-the-art security features that are continuously updated to manage emerging threats, thus ensuring superior protection compared to legacy systems which may lag in adapting to new security challenges.
  • Integrate Seamlessly with the Cloud: Entra’s Cloud-native framework supports a broader range of Cloud applications and services, facilitating smoother integrations and operations compared to traditional solutions that might struggle with Cloud adaptation.
  • Leverage Advanced Compliance Tools: With its built-in compliance tools that adapt to regulatory changes, Entra helps organisations stay ahead of compliance requirements, reducing the risk of penalties and reputational damage.

UNIFY’s Role in Streamlining the Transition

Transitioning to a new platform, especially from varied competitive products, can seem daunting. UNIFY Solutions mitigates these challenges by offering:

  • Tailored Migration Strategies: Recognising the unique challenges posed by different legacy systems, UNIFY develops customised migration strategies. These strategies ensure that the transition to Microsoft Entra is smooth, with minimal operational disruption.
  • Expertise in Complex Systems: UNIFY’s deep expertise in complex system integrations becomes crucial when moving from diverse platforms. Our understanding of different identity management ecosystems allows us to navigate and align the transition precisely with your organisational goals.
  • Continuous Support and Optimisation: Post-migration, UNIFY continues to provide support and system optimisation, ensuring that Microsoft Entra is not only implemented but also continuously aligned with evolving business needs.

Competitive Advantage in a Digital-First World

Choosing Microsoft Entra over other platforms such as ForgeRock, SailPoint, and One Identity is a strategic decision that positions organisations for success in a digital-first world. Microsoft Entra offers not just an identity management solution but a platform that supports digital transformation at every level of the enterprise.

  • Scalability for Future Growth: Entra’s scalable architecture means that as your business grows, your identity management capabilities can expand seamlessly.
  • Innovation and Flexibility: Microsoft’s continuous innovation ensures that Entra remains at the forefront, offering flexibility and features that support new business models and user engagement strategies.
  • Strategic Alignment with Business Objectives: Entra’s capabilities are designed to align closely with broader business objectives, ensuring that your identity management strategy supports overall business growth and innovation.

In a landscape where digital agility and security are paramount, transitioning to Microsoft Entra with UNIFY offers a clear path to achieving not only technological advancement but strategic business outcomes. Let UNIFY guide you through this pivotal transformation, ensuring that your identity management capabilities are a step ahead in the digital race.

Delegated Administration Solutions: UNIFYElevate

In today’s digital ecosystem, managing third-party access efficiently and securely is not merely an operational necessity but a strategic imperative. UNIFYElevate, a SaaS-based Delegated Administration service from UNIFY Solutions, stands as a testament to our innovative approach, designed to meet the complexities of modern identity management head-on.

Strategic Imperative for Robust Delegated Administration

The rise of digital collaboration platforms has significantly increased the interdependencies between enterprises and their external partners. This shift necessitates a robust system to manage access rights efficiently, ensuring operational integrity and compliance with stringent regulatory standards. UNIFYElevate addresses this need by providing a seamless, secure, and scalable solution for delegated administration, thereby ensuring that organisations can maintain control over who accesses their systems and how.

Sophisticated Management of External User Roles

UNIFYElevate transforms how organisations manage external user roles and permissions. By offering fine-grained access controls and an intuitive interface, it enables organisations to manage external access with unprecedented precision and flexibility. This capability is crucial for organisations that need to scale their operations without compromising security or efficiency.

  • Efficient Onboarding and Offboarding: UNIFYElevate streamlines the onboarding and offboarding processes, making it quick and secure. This efficiency is vital for maintaining the fluidity of operations and ensuring that access rights are accurately aligned with user roles and responsibilities.
  • Real-Time Access Adjustments: The dynamic nature of business today requires real-time adjustments to access permissions. UNIFYElevate provides administrators with the tools to make immediate changes, enhancing responsiveness to emerging business needs or security concerns.
  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: With built-in compliance tracking and security measures, UNIFYElevate ensures that all third-party interactions adhere to corporate policies and regulatory requirements, significantly reducing the risk of breaches and non-compliance penalties.

Strategic Benefits of Implementing UNIFYElevate

Adopting UNIFYElevate goes beyond improving security—it transforms delegated administration into a strategic advantage, aligning with broader business objectives:

  • Scalability and Customisation: Tailored to fit the needs of both small enterprises and large corporations, UNIFYElevate’s scalable architecture ensures that as your business grows, your ability to manage external access grows with it, seamlessly and securely.
  • Operational Resilience: In a world where business conditions can change rapidly, UNIFYElevate enables organisations to maintain operational resilience by adapting user roles and permissions with agility, thereby sustaining business continuity and security.
  • Strategic Oversight: Through dashboards and reporting tools, UNIFYElevate offers strategic insights into access patterns and user activities, enabling informed decision-making and proactive management of security risks.

Empowering Organisations to Innovate and Collaborate Securely

In conclusion, UNIFYElevate is not just a tool—it is a strategic enabler, empowering organisations to innovate and collaborate securely in a digitally connected world. By simplifying the complexities of delegated administration, UNIFYElevate allows organisations to focus on core business activities while ensuring that their digital interactions are secure, compliant, and efficient.

As you consider the strategic direction of your organisation’s identity and access management, UNIFYElevate stands ready to deliver not just a solution but a transformational experience that aligns with your most challenging business needs.

Automated Provisioning for Enhanced Security Compliance & Efficiency

In an era dominated by digital transformation, the seamless integration of identity management systems within an organisation’s IT infrastructure is critical. UNIFYConnect, developed by UNIFY Solutions, offers a sophisticated solution for automated user provisioning and deprovisioning, targeting a significant reduction in human error and enhancing security and compliance—key areas often scrutinised during audits.

Strategic Imperative for Automated Provisioning

Automated provisioning systems like UNIFYConnect are not merely operational tools; they are strategic assets that ensure organisations can scale efficiently while maintaining strict control over security and compliance. While Microsoft addresses integration with major global HRIS applications like SuccessFactors and Workday, UNIFYConnect fills a crucial niche by providing bespoke integration solutions for other essential systems such as Elmo, Aurion, and Chris. This capability is vital for organisations seeking comprehensive coverage without the gaps that often lead to security vulnerabilities.

Key Features and Benefits of UNIFYConnect

  • Comprehensive Integration: UNIFYConnect offers robust connectivity solutions for a variety of HRIS platforms, ensuring that all user provisioning and deprovisioning actions are reflected across the organisation’s systems seamlessly and in real-time.
  • Customisable Workflows: Adaptability is at the heart of UNIFYConnect, allowing organisations to customise workflows to meet specific internal protocols and regulatory requirements, thereby enhancing both efficiency and compliance.
  • Reduced Human Error: By automating the provisioning process, UNIFYConnect minimises the manual entry errors that can lead to security breaches and compliance issues, ensuring that only the right people have the right access at the right time.

Enhancing Security and Reducing Audit Risks

Security enhancements and audit compliance are primary benefits of implementing UNIFYConnect. Automated systems provide precise control over user access, a critical component often flagged during security audits. Here’s how UNIFYConnect addresses these challenges:

  • Audit Trail and Reporting: The platform automatically logs all provisioning activities, providing an audit trail that is essential for compliance reviews and security audits. This feature significantly simplifies the audit process and helps organisations pass their compliance checks with fewer findings.
  • Real-Time Updates: Any changes in employee status are updated instantly across all connected systems, eliminating delays that can lead to unauthorised access and potential security threats.
  • Enhanced Compliance: With its ability to adapt quickly to changing regulations, UNIFYConnect helps organisations stay compliant with industry standards and legal requirements, reducing the risk of penalties and reputational damage.

Strategic Advantage in a Resource-Constrained Environment

In times where resource optimisation is crucial, UNIFYConnect offers more than just security and efficiency; it provides a strategic advantage by enabling organisations to allocate their resources more effectively, focusing on innovation and growth rather than routine administrative tasks. This shift not only drives better business outcomes but also positions organisations as leaders in adopting advanced technological solutions.

Virtual Innovation Team: Pioneering Advisory from UNIFY’s CTO Group

In a landscape where the pace of technological advancement outstrips the ability of many organisations to adapt, UNIFY offers a solution to the familiar challenges of resource limitation and the need for specialised expertise. Our unique advisory model, leveraging Virtual Innovation Teams led by our Chief Technology Officer’s group, exemplifies our commitment to delivering strategic value that transcends traditional consulting services.

Adapting to Resource Constraints with Strategic Insight

Recognising the realities of today’s economic environment—where hiring multiple domain-specific experts is not always viable—UNIFY has devised an innovative approach to consultancy. Our model is designed to provide access to top-tier strategic guidance across multiple disciplines without the associated overhead of permanent high-calibre positions. This approach allows organisations to:

  • Navigate Complex Challenges: From creating robust Digital Trust Frameworks to adopting agile delivery methodologies and migrating to Cloud architectures, UNIFY’s experts bring tailored, actionable insights that drive significant strategic advancements.
  • Enhance Operational Agility: Our teams help organisations reduce technical debt, rationalise vendor licenses, and prepare for compliance with ISO standards, all through a lens of innovation and strategic repositioning.

Virtual Innovation Teams: Expertise on Demand

UNIFY’s Virtual Innovation Teams consist of seasoned professionals whose expertise spans cybersecurity, digital identity, and emerging technology trends. These teams are dynamically assembled to address the specific challenges and strategic objectives of each client, ensuring that:

  • Customised Solutions are Scalable and Sustainable: Each advisory engagement is crafted to align with both the immediate and long-term goals of the client, ensuring that solutions are not only effective but also scalable as the organisation grows.
  • Strategic Advice Leads to Tangible Outcomes: The advice provided is designed to be immediately actionable, with clear pathways to implementation that result in measurable benefits.

Innovative Constructs for Delivering Strategic Advice

Our innovative constructs for delivering advisory services are particularly beneficial for organisations striving to maximise efficiencies and innovate within budget constraints. By engaging with UNIFY, clients gain:

  • Access to World-Class Expertise: Clients tap into the knowledge and experience of experts who can pivot quickly between diverse needs—from enhancing user experience in digital platforms to embedding advanced security protocols into existing systems.
  • Strategic Agility: With guidance from UNIFY’s experts, organisations can swiftly adapt to changes in the technological landscape, staying ahead of competitors and avoiding the pitfalls of rapid digital transformation.
  • Cost-Effective Strategic Advancement: Our advisory services are designed to be cost-effective, ensuring that organisations can achieve advanced strategic outcomes without the traditional costs associated with high-level consultancy firms.

Conclusion: Strategic Partnership for Transformative Success

In today’s economic landscape, where precision in investment and strategic foresight are paramount, UNIFY stands out as more than just a solutions provider—we are your strategic ally in navigating the complexities of digital transformation. Our commitment goes beyond mere technical implementation; we are dedicated to ensuring that every investment in our technology yields substantial returns in terms of operational efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced security.

Strategic Value of Our Partnerships

At UNIFY, we delve deep into the core challenges that your organisation faces, aligning our innovative solutions closely with your strategic objectives. Our suite of services—from seamless Cloud transitions with UNIFYConnect to sophisticated access management with UNIFYElevate and the bespoke strategic guidance offered by our Virtual Innovation Teams—is meticulously designed to provide significant operational advantages without necessitating extensive resource allocation.

A Commitment to Long-Term Success

We understand that the true measure of success in today’s business environment is not just meeting current needs but ensuring resilience and adaptability for the future. Our approach is holistic: we provide tools and strategies that not only address today’s challenges but also equip you to lead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. This foresight positions UNIFY as a pioneering force in identity management and security consulting, committed to your continuous success.

Driving Transformation Together

Partnering with UNIFY means choosing a path where innovation, security, and efficiency intersect to create optimal business outcomes. With UNIFY, you gain more than a vendor; you gain a partner whose primary goal is to see you thrive—both today and in the future. We are here to support your growth, help you navigate new challenges, and ensure you remain at the forefront of your industry.

An Invitation to Collaborate and Innovate

We invite you to deepen our collaboration and explore how our innovative solutions can turn the challenges of today into the opportunities of tomorrow. Together, let’s drive transformational outcomes and chart a course toward a prosperous digital future.

UNIFY Solutions Zero Trust Service Catalogue

UNIFY Solutions Zero Trust Service Catalogue