UNIFY Solutions is pleased to announce that Northcott has engaged UNIFY Solutions to implement an Identity Management Framework consisting of Microsoft Identity Manager, UNIFY Identity Broker for Aurion, utilizing Aurion HR as a source of truth. This solution will automate the provisioning of accounts, and provide a foundation upon which to incorporate future on premises and cloud-based applications.

Northcott is an independent, not-for-profit service provider in NSW and the ACT, providing services and support for people with disabilities, their families and carers.

For more than 85 years, Northcott have supported children, young people and adults with disabilities to develop life skills, build confidence and become active participants in their communities. Today, they help more than 13,500 people, including many families and carers, driven by Northcott’s purpose to build an inclusive society where people can live the life they choose.

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UNIFYBroker is a platform for rapidly integrating applications with your identity management solution. Provision into more applications to boost the reach of your identity solution, synchronize identities between two or more of your systems, or connect your HR system or other authoritative source for better identity governance.