“Identity is a key component of Government and Private Enterprise delivering meaningful services to constituents and customers,” said UNIFY’s Chief Technology Officer Shane Day today. “We are a strong believer in that by enabling the correct digital identity solutions, we enable the fabric that allows individuals to have private and valuable conversations with those that provide amenity to them."`

“It is therefore critical that we support such important events as the New Zealand Identity Conference 2015,” he said. “This year’s theme of Enabling Digital Identity and Privacy in a Connected World is of national importance to New Zealand. Without the transformation brought about by modern, secure and private identity solutions, it is impossible to envision a future that maximises the social benefits of a digitised and connected world of society.”

“We will be present throughout the conference in support with Microsoft and looking forward to meeting and inspiring delegates to meet the future challenges of this societal change.”

The conference is to be held at Te Papa in Wellington on the 18th and 19th May 2015.

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