Operational Efficiency and Savings for Police Vetting Services

Executive Summary

In the rapidly evolving landscape of public safety and law enforcement, the effectiveness of police vetting systems is more critical than ever. As Commissioners of Police seek to uphold the highest standards of integrity and trust within their forces, the need for efficient, secure, and compliant vetting processes cannot be overstated. UNIFY Solutions introduces UNIFYElevate, a transformative solution developed in coordination with Microsoft’s Azure AD B2C platform, designed to address and overcome the inherent challenges in traditional vetting systems.

Historically, police vetting processes have been hampered by manual operations that are not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, making them inefficient and often insecure. Integration issues further complicate data management and user access control, while stringent compliance requirements demand a system that can effortlessly adapt to changing regulations without compromising on security or functionality.

UNIFYElevate revolutionises the vetting process by automating critical tasks from identity management to role-based access control, significantly reducing manual workload and the potential for error. Its integration with Microsoft Azure AD B2C ensures a robust, scalable, and secure platform capable of handling complex identity interactions across various systems and applications. This cloud-based approach not only enhances security with advanced encryption and multi-factor authentication but also offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability.

The architecture of UNIFYElevate is specifically designed to address the unique challenges faced by police forces. It provides a comprehensive automated solution for user management that is both efficient and secure. Real-time monitoring and enhanced auditing capabilities ensure all operations comply with the highest standards of data protection and privacy, crucial for maintaining public trust and adherence to legal standards.

In a landscape often dominated by the need for costly custom solutions, UNIFYElevate emerges as a distinct offering for organisations invested in Microsoft technologies. It bypasses the usual challenges of bespoke developments, providing a repeatable, robust solution that integrates seamlessly with existing Microsoft-based infrastructures.

In conclusion, UNIFYElevate represents a strategic advancement in police vetting technology. It promises not only to enhance the operational efficiency of police vetting systems but also to ensure they are equipped to meet the demands of a dynamic security environment.

Police Vetting Systems


Police vetting services across the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) region play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and safety of various sectors that require high trust and security. These services are designed to assess the suitability of individuals for roles that involve direct contact with vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, or those with disabilities, as well as positions requiring high security clearance.


Objective: The primary aim of police vetting services is to provide comprehensive background checks that include Conviction History Reports and other pertinent information that might not lead to convictions but could influence suitability decisions.

Users: These services are predominantly utilised by organisations mandated by law to conduct background checks or by those voluntarily opting to enhance their hiring processes to ensure safety and compliance.


  • Consent-Based: Vetting is performed only with the explicit consent of the individual being checked, typically collected through a signed form.
  • Identity Verification: The process involves stringent verification steps using multiple forms of identification to ensure the accuracy of the background check.


  • Sector Usage: Vetting services are extensively used in sectors like education, healthcare, finance, and any role involving national security or sensitive information.
  • Regulatory Compliance: These checks are often a regulatory requirement for positions that can significantly impact public safety or welfare.

Security and Compliance

  • Data Protection: Vetting processes adhere to strict data protection regulations to ensure the privacy and security of personal information.
  • Advanced Security Measures: Implementations often include advanced security protocols such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and encrypted data storage, reflecting the critical nature of the information managed.

These vetting services are integral to maintaining the integrity and security of sensitive roles within organizations, aiding in the prevention of potential risks associated with unsuitable candidates. They ensure that entities across all sectors can trust the background and integrity of individuals who hold positions of responsibility and trust.

Introduce Operational Efficiency

General Inefficiencies

Inefficient operations in police services, including vetting processes, can be attributed to several factors (beyond manual processing). Here are some common contributors to inefficiencies:

  • Outdated Technology: The use of outdated or legacy systems that are not optimized for current operational demands can slow down processes and restrict the ability to integrate with newer technologies.
  • Fragmented Systems: Having multiple disparate systems that do not communicate effectively with each other can lead to data silos, redundant data entry, and inconsistencies in information management.
  • Inadequate Data Management: Poor data management practices such as inadequate data storage, retrieval systems, and lack of a centralized database can impede access to and accuracy of critical information.
  • Insufficient Training: Inadequate training of personnel on new technologies or processes can lead to underutilization of resources, errors, and delays in response times.
  • Complex Regulatory Environment: The need to comply with various local and international regulations can complicate the vetting process, requiring additional checks and balances that may not be efficiently managed without proper tools.
  • Lack of Standardization: Varying standards and protocols across different departments or jurisdictions can lead to inefficiencies in communication and operations.
  • High Turnover Rates: High staff turnover can lead to a loss of institutional knowledge, which impacts the efficiency of operations including onboarding processes and internal workflows.
  • Limited Accessibility: If systems are not designed to be accessible and user-friendly, it can lead to inefficiencies in operation, particularly for external or less tech-savvy users.
  • Inadequate Resource Allocation: Insufficient allocation of human and financial resources to critical areas can stretch capabilities thin, leading to bottlenecks and delays.

Addressing these challenges often requires a comprehensive approach that includes the adoption of modern technologies, process reengineering, better data management practices, and training programs.

Vetting Service Inefficiencies

Vetting Services tend to involve a mix of manual and automated processes that are facilitated through some variation of delegated administration mode. Most Vetting Services have shortcomings that underscore the need for a more modern, scalable, and integrated solution that can handle the complexities of Police vetting and user management more efficiently. The key issues involve –

  • Manual Processes and Limited Automation: Current systems rely heavily on manual processes, especially in user role assignment and management. This results in inefficiencies and potential for human error, making the system cumbersome and slow to respond to changes.
  • Integration Challenges: There are significant challenges with integrating the existing system with other required services. The lack of seamless integration leads to delays and complications in user management and security protocols.
  • Compliance and Security Concerns: Systems should align with the Information Security Manuals for public cloud services but the currently struggle to meet these standards efficiently. This poses risks in terms of data security and compliance.
  • Inflexible User Management: Current delegated admin services tend to not adequately support dynamic user management, which is crucial for a large and varied organisation like Police Forces. The system does not effectively support the varying needs of different user groups or adapt quickly to organisational changes.
  • Outdated Technology: Existing technology stacks might not support modern digital security practices or efficiency. This limitation hinders the ability to implement new features or scale the system effectively.


UNIFYElevate leveraging Microsoft Azure AD B2C addresses these issues by providing a robust, automated, and compliant system.

UNIFYElevate provides compelling benefits for vetting systems including:

  • Simplified Identity Administration: UNIFYElevate streamlines the complexities of identity management across various platforms. This simplification is particularly beneficial for police vetting systems which often need to handle a large volume of identity verifications and user management tasks.
  • Secure and Efficient Delegation: The product ensures secure and efficient delegation of user management tasks, providing fine-grained controls and audit capabilities. This feature allows police departments to delegate certain vetting tasks securely to appropriate personnel, enhancing operational efficiency without compromising security.
  • Swift and Secure Identity Management: UNIFYElevate enables swift and secure identity management processes. For police vetting systems, this means faster processing of background checks and other vetting procedures, reducing the time from application to decision.
  • Integration with Microsoft Technologies: Given that UNIFYElevate integrates well with Microsoft technologies like Azure AD B2C, it supports robust cloud-based identity management strategies. This integration is crucial for vetting systems that require extensive data security and user access management capabilities.
  • Enhanced Audit and Compliance: The solution offers enhanced audit trails and compliance support, which are essential for vetting systems subjected to strict regulatory standards. This ensures that all operations are logged and can be reviewed to comply with legal and organisational standards.
  • Adaptability to Evolving Needs: UNIFYElevate’s adaptable architecture means it can evolve with the changing requirements of a Police Force vetting system, such as new regulations or changing operational tactics without extensive redevelopment.
  • Scalability: The product can handle scaling up to accommodate growth in user numbers or data volume without performance degradation. This is important for vetting systems as the number of vetting requests can fluctuate significantly.

These benefits make UNIFYElevate a suitable solution for enhancing the operational efficiency and security of police vetting systems, ensuring they can handle the demands of modern policing and regulatory compliance effectively.

How UNIFYElevate Works

Technical Overview of UNIFYElevate Architecture

Unique in the Market:

“Unlike custom solutions that often require extensive time and resources to develop, UNIFYElevate offers a ready-made, repeatable solution that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft platforms, setting a new standard in operational efficiency and security” — Shane Day, CTO UNIFY Solutions

  • Cloud-Based Integration with Microsoft Azure AD B2C: UNIFYElevate leverages Microsoft Azure AD B2C to provide a robust, scalable identity management solution that supports complex user hierarchies and access control models required by police vetting systems. It handles secure user authentication and seamless integration with other cloud services, enhancing both functionality and security.
  • Modular Architecture: The architecture of UNIFYElevate is modular, allowing for customisation and scalability without impacting existing functionalities. This modular approach enables the system to integrate new services or expand its capabilities as user needs and regulatory requirements evolve.
  • Advanced Security Protocols: UNIFYElevate incorporates advanced security measures including end-to-end encryption, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and role-based access control (RBAC). These protocols ensure that all data, particularly sensitive personal information processed during vetting, is securely handled and accessed only by authorised personnel.
  • Automated Workflow and Delegated Administration: The system automates key processes such as user onboarding, role assignment, and compliance checks, significantly reducing manual workloads and the potential for human error. Delegated administration features allow specific administrative functions to be securely handed over to designated personnel within different departments, enhancing both efficiency and control.
  • Comprehensive Auditing and Compliance Tracking: UNIFYElevate is equipped with comprehensive auditing tools that automatically log all user activities and system changes. This capability is crucial for maintaining compliance with stringent regulatory standards as it provides transparent and retrievable records of all operations.
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Analytics: The platform includes real-time monitoring and analytics capabilities which help in proactively identifying and addressing potential security issues. Analytics also provide insights into usage patterns and system performance, aiding in ongoing system optimisation and resource allocation.
  • API-First Design: UNIFYElevate utilises an API-first design, facilitating easy integration with existing systems and third-party services. This design philosophy ensures that the platform can seamlessly connect with other applications, extending its functionality and enabling a unified operational environment.
  • High Availability and Disaster Recovery: The architecture ensures high availability through redundant systems and data backup solutions, minimising downtime and ensuring continuity of operations. Disaster recovery protocols are in place to quickly restore functionality in the event of a system failure or a security breach.

This technical summary provides a glimpse into how UNIFYElevate’s architecture supports the needs of police vetting systems, focusing on security, efficiency, and compliance.


In the quest to enhance the operational efficiency and security of police vetting services, the challenges of manual processing, integration issues, and the need for robust compliance and security measures are paramount. These challenges not only hinder the effectiveness of vetting services but also impede their ability to adapt to evolving regulatory and operational demands. UNIFYElevate, developed by UNIFY Solutions in coordination with Microsoft’s Azure AD B2C platform, presents a compelling solution that addresses these critical challenges through its advanced and scalable architecture.

UNIFYElevate transforms the vetting process by automating and streamlining identity management and access control, significantly reducing the reliance on manual processes that are prone to errors and inefficiencies. The platform’s integration with Microsoft Azure AD B2C enhances this capability, providing a secure cloud-based environment that supports high-volume, complex identity interactions seamlessly across various systems.

In a landscape often dominated by the need for costly custom solutions, UNIFYElevate emerges as a distinct offering for organisations invested in Microsoft technologies. It bypasses the usual challenges of bespoke developments, providing a repeatable, robust solution that integrates seamlessly with existing Microsoft-based infrastructures.

The modular and API-first design of UNIFYElevate ensures that the system is not only adaptable to current needs but also poised to evolve with future requirements. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining the relevance and efficacy of police vetting systems as technological advancements and operational demands continue to evolve. Additionally, the comprehensive auditing and real-time monitoring features of UNIFYElevate ensure that all operations are compliant with the strictest of regulatory standards, providing transparent, retrievable records that support both operational and legal compliance.

In conclusion, UNIFYElevate offers a robust, scalable, and efficient solution to the pressing challenges faced by police vetting systems. By leveraging innovative technology and innovative architecture, UNIFYElevate not only enhances the operational capabilities of police vetting services but also ensures they are equipped to meet the demands of a dynamic regulatory and security landscape. For any police force looking to upgrade their vetting processes, UNIFYElevate represents a forward-thinking investment that promises enhanced security, efficiency, and compliance.

Versatility Across Police Forces

While UNIFYElevate is primarily discussed in the context of enhancing Police Vetting Services in this paper, its applicability extends well beyond a single application. Services such as Media Event Portals which might facilitate secure media access to police events, Intercept and Technology Operations systems that assist with telecommunications compliance, Child Sexual Offender Management systems used by case managers, and the firearms registration systems — all stand to benefit significantly from UNIFYElevate. This platform’s ability to automate and secure access management processes ensures that it can support a wide range of police services, enhancing operational efficiencies and securing sensitive data across multiple domains. This versatility makes UNIFYElevate a comprehensive solution for modern policing needs, demonstrating its potential as a pivotal tool in the transformation of police operational capabilities.

Take Action Today

To discover firsthand how UNIFYElevate can revolutionise your police vetting processes or to explore its applications across other critical police services, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our team at UNIFY Solutions is ready to provide detailed demonstrations and tailor solutions to meet your unique operational needs. Contact us to schedule a demonstration or to discuss how UNIFYElevate can specifically benefit your organisation. Don’t miss the opportunity to transform your vetting processes with the latest in security and efficiency innovations.

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Appendix A – Why UNIFY

Unparalleled Expertise and Comprehensive Solutions

At UNIFY, we specialise in transforming Microsoft platform deployments into robust, secure, and scalable solutions. Our deep expertise in Microsoft technologies underpins our unique One-Stop-Shop service model, offering end-to-end capabilities in Identity, Access, and Security. We are not just consultants; we are your strategic partners in securing digital assets and optimising business efficiency.

For a detailed overview of our services, please refer to the Service Catalogue below, which outlines our comprehensive suite of services integral to achieving Zero Trust Security. These services incorporate the full range of Strategic Planning, Implementation, and Support services.

Tailored Zero Trust Security

Embracing the principle of “never trust, always verify,” our Zero Trust Security framework is at the heart of our service offerings. This approach is not just a protocol—it is built into every layer of our solutions from the ground up. By integrating advanced Microsoft solutions with our proprietary IP, we ensure that every access point and identity is continuously validated, keeping your enterprise secure in a perimeter-less digital world.

Proven Track Record

UNIFY is trusted by a diverse and prestigious customer portfolio, from government agencies to finance and healthcare sectors. Our strategy, powered by innovation and driven by the best and brightest in the industry, ensures that we not only meet but exceed the stringent demands of our clients. Our consistent focus on delivering world-class solutions is evident in our sustained customer satisfaction and long-term partnerships.

Customised Solutions Powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Automation

Our commitment to innovation is demonstrated through advanced platform automation and AI-driven solutions, ensuring that your Microsoft deployment is not only efficient but also future-proof. Whether it is streamlining identity verification processes or enhancing security operations through AI, UNIFY’s solutions are designed to adapt to your evolving business needs.

Dedicated Support and Sustained Growth

Choosing UNIFY means gaining a partner that invests in your success. Our 24/7 support and managed security services are just the beginning. We collaborate closely with our clients to develop and implement roadmaps that anticipate future challenges and opportunities, fostering growth and resilience in an unpredictable digital landscape.

Secure Equitable Access for All

Our vision of providing secure and equitable access for all drives us to deliver solutions that ensure everyone in your organisation can access the tools and information they need safely and efficiently, no matter where they are. This commitment makes UNIFY a leader in promoting inclusivity through technology.