With the recent release of Identity Broker for Aurion, UNIFY Solutions shows its ongoing commitment to ensuring that organisations’ IAM systems are built on a repeatable, standards-based approach. The latest release adds the ability to have Aurion act as a downstream system, a feature that has been requested by several clients wishing to integrate their recruitment platforms into their IAM solution. The full release notes can be found here: Identity Broker 5.2 Release Note

Identity Broker 5.2 Announcement

Learn more about Identity Broker

Identity Broker is a patented interconnectivity framework designed to help organisations ensure that their IAM systems are not be built on a myriad of bespoke connectors which limit future flexibility, scalability and support options. It coexists with and enhances common IAM platforms. Identity Broker is available for all scenarios ranging from strategically enabling large-scale enterprises to integrate on a consistent platform, to tactical solutions such as point-to-point governance of cloud-based directories, available through a cloud service.

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UNIFYBroker is a platform for rapidly integrating applications with your identity management solution. Provision into more applications to boost the reach of your identity solution, synchronize identities between two or more of your systems, or connect your HR system or other authoritative source for better identity governance.