Mastercard recently announced its intention to collaborate with the Digital Transformation Agency.
UNIFY is proud to sponsor four of our colleagues participating in STEPtember.
With New Zealand and more than two thirds of Australia in lockdown, small to medium businesses are at greater risk from cyberattacks. The IT Brief NZ share what UNIFY’s Chief Operating Officer has to say about the importance of good security.
UNIFY is pleased to announce the appointment of Ian Mortimer as Business Development Executive.
Every business should now be aware of the dangers of doing business online. In just the last month, there have been alarming cyberattacks and these are just the tip of the iceberg.
UNIFY Solutions is a proud supporter of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s Privacy Awareness Week. This year we are reflecting on how we are making privacy a priority in both our professional and our personal lives.
UNIFY’s Security Practice has released a range of Point and Shoot Security Readiness Assessments to assist organisations determine their security status and their readiness to protect themselves against Ransomware, Distributed Denial of Service, and other Threat attacks.
On-premises, cloud platform or cloud software? We help you understand how to choose between UNIFYBroker and UNIFYConnect.
Decentralized Identity. Coming to somewhere near you soon.
UNIFY Solutions has taken its UNIFYSecure offering into Microsoft’s Global Azure Marketplace.
Joy Chik, Microsoft Corporate Vice President for the Identity Division, releases 5 identity priorities for 2021 — strengthening security for the hybrid work era and beyond.
Vaughan Paul, Optus Vice President, Digital Consumer, profiled the Optus and Mastercard partnership for the Mastercard ID service and discussed some of the complexities of digital identification.